Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program
7th grade
This year your 7th grader will receive a three day abstinence only curriculum in accordance with the Healthy Youth Act of 2009. This Act mandates that every 7th grader be provided a curriculum for teen pregnancy prevention. Topics will include: reproductive anatomy both male and female, consequences of sex before marriage including STD/STI/HIV/AIDS, Media awareness, role play to resist peer pressure, and family and personal communication and decision making.
8th grade
This year your 8th grader will receive a five day abstinence based curriculum in accordance with the Healthy Youth Act of 2009. This Act mandates that every 8th grader be provided a curriculum for teen pregnancy prevention. Topics will include: consequences of sex before marriage including STD/STI/HIV/AIDS, Media awareness and healthy body image, healthy/unhealthy relationships, dating violence, and abstinence and contraception including condoms. Several classes cover responsibility, goal setting, family and personal communication and decision making. Assertive communication and passive/aggressive communication skills will be practiced.
9th grade
This year your 9th grader will receive a five day abstinence based comprehensive curriculum in accordance with the Healthy Youth Act of 2009. This Act mandates that every 9th grader be provided a curriculum for teen pregnancy prevention. Topics will include: STD/STI/HIV/AIDS, role play and skills integration for delaying sex, choosing abstinence, using protection, and preventing HIV/STD/STI’s.

Why we do what we do!
​​The Mission
The Council on Adolescent Health, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1983, for the purpose of reducing teen pregnancy.... The Council promotes positive life choices by using best practice models in the classroom. By teaching our curriculum teenagers are empowered to make healthier choices, mind and body.
Adolescent Parenting Program
Helping Teens and Their Babies Towards a Better Future
Supporting adolescent parents to get an education, acquire job skills, improve parenting abilities and prevent future pregnancies helps them become self-sufficient and better able to support themselves and their families. It also establishes a strong, stable foundation upon which the baby will be raised. By investing in teen parents today, the Adolescent Parenting Program (APP) protects the future of two generations - the young parents themselves and their babies.
The goals of APP are as follows.
Increase the self-sufficiency outcomes for APP participants by:
Increasing the delay of a subsequent pregnancy;
Increasing graduation from high school with diploma or completion of GED;
Improve child welfare and school readiness outcomes for the children of APP participants by:
Increasing incidence of positive parenting among APP participants to support their child’s cognitive development and mental health;
Increasing incidence of child’s physical well-being by establishing the child’s medical home and creating a safe home environment.